Menstrual Pain/ Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a painful condition associated with the menstrual cycle. It affects 1 in 10 women in their reproductive age however it is often misdiagnosed and mistreated.
Hence many women continue to suffer and to live with unresolved pain. It can be a very isolating illness as many (including some medical professionals) do not believe or do not understand their conditions.
Common symptoms associated with endo
Painful menstruation
Heavy menstrual flow
Prolonged periods (number of days)
Nausea & vomiting
Pain in the back, hips, pelvis, sciatica
Painful bladder
Pain during or after sex
Chronic fatigue
How will a women health physio help with endo?
Abdominal Therapy
Endometriosis leads to adhesions in the abdominal cavity. It causes the abdominal organs and soft tissues to “stick” to each other, resulting in pain, tension that can spread to not just the belly but to the back, ribcage, hips, pelvis and even down to the legs. Tummy bloating is also a common complaint and often known as the “endo belly”.
We are specialists in hands-on therapy who use our hands to assess and to treat. We utilise specific techniques to work on muscles, nerves, soft tissues and internal organs so they can move better with less tension. It also optimises blood circulation, lymph flow and nerve impulses and hence restores menstrual health.
Pelvic Floor Physio
70% of women with endo have overactive pelvic floors that contribute to their symptoms. Painful sex, difficulty with bowel and bladder movements further indicate the possibility of having pelvic floor dysfunction.
A women health physio trained in pelvic floor assessment and treatment will be able to help you to relax and stretch the pelvic floor muscles to reduce pelvic floor spasm.
Learn more about Pelvic Floor here
Breathe retraining - Learn about Breathing here
Pelvic exercises
Lifestyle modifications (diet, sleep, stress management, environmental toxins)